M1 Finance

Social campaign

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After rebranding with a fresh brand look and feel, M1 Finance needed a library of digital, social and blog content that could take engagement with their existing customers to the next level.

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The do-it-yourself nature of the platform expects its investors to know what they’re doing and why, so I created a custom infographic and accompanying social posts that explain the difference between retirement savings plans for their Millennial audience. The graphics present the options for retirement in a fresh, fun way that highlights the need to start now even when customers may feel too young to plan for so far in the future.

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 9.50.44 PM.jpeg
Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 9.52.05 PM.jpeg
Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 9.53.02 PM.jpeg
Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 9.55.57 PM.jpeg