Enterprise Carshare

Strategic Campaign

This fully integrated strategic campaign was created for Enterprise CarShare as a part of MOJO Ad at the University of Missouri. MOJO Ad is a student-staffed professional advertising agency that works with national clients to create innovative campaigns and offers a full range of integrated marketing services including research, account planning, media planning, and creative development. 

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Enterprise approached us to develop a campaign for their brand CarShare, an hourly car rental service. Enterprise wanted us to focus on the engagement, activation and retention of current CarShare members by increasing the service's overall delight factor.

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With this in mind, we built a campaign around one of the most empowering features of a car: the passenger seat. 

"Life's Better with a Passenger Seat," shows CarShare's busy, urban target market how CarShare fits seamlessly into their lives by providing them with the unique benefits of private transportation. This campaign is capable of generating more 17.5 million impressions within a $2 million budget.

The Big Idea

There's a unique type of freedom with having a personal car that you just can't get from public transit. The passenger seat of a car means you get to decide who or what you're going to spend your ride with. From your best friend since 2nd grade to a baked-from-scratch cake you made for your grandma's 90th birthday, you make a statement about a person or item's sentimental value when you place it right next to you. This campaign highlights how the passenger seat can be used as a tool alongside other forms of transit to make everyday moments just a little bit more special. 

Email Campaign

CarShare members will receive a campaign kickoff email in their inboxes inviting them to participate in the brand-new rewards program and visit "The Passenger Seat" microsite. It also introduces them to the bold, colorful new aesthetic of The Passenger Seat campaign. A refreshed post-trip balance and rewards update email after every trip with CarShare will keep members up-to-date on their status and increase positive communication with the CarShare brand. They'll also receive a bi-weekly newsletter informing them of CarShare events in their city.

user-friendly App Updates

CarShare's mobile app, where members book rides and manage their reservations, will get a colorful update to promote the rewards program for the duration of the campaign. Other updates, like Spotify-branded playlists, optional push notifications, and a login with Facebook integration, will remain in the app post-campaign to make the service even simpler to use. 

Rewards Program

CarShare members see little upgrades as rewards for a busy lifestyle. To thank them for making CarShare part of their routine, they can receive discounts at partnership locations by earning badges based on membership and usage milestones. They can earn a badge for something as simple as gassing up their CarShare vehicle or as momentous as logging 100 driving hours. Members can see their badges on the updated app interface, as well as in the post-trip balance and rewards email. Now, being a CarShare member means belonging to an exclusive club with rockin' perks.


Out of Home displays

Engaging out of home displays in public transit stations remind the target market of the limitations of subways and buses compared to an Enterprise CarShare car. Transforming traditional transit benches romanticizes the possibilities of the passenger seat as a place where you can put a giant pizza box, a boquet of roses for someone special, or your pet chicken Cluck Norris. 

Target After Dark Shopping Event

At an after-hours shopping event at Target stores around the country, CarShare customers can actually experience all the ways a passenger seat can make life more fun. Customers can participate in a virtual reality driving scenario and compete in an in-store scavenger hunt, the Driver Dash, to stock their passenger seat. 

Target Inside.jpg
Target iPhone.jpg
Target Cart Corral.jpg
Target Car Mockup.jpg
Target Cart with Sign.jpg

Graphic Designer: Mallory Weise

Art Director: Kelly Shunneson

Copywriter: Mitch Finnegan